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events:6threpublic [2018/05/02 10:44]
fk0724 [6º Republic]
events:6threpublic [2018/05/28 05:03]
fk0724 [6º Republic]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== 6º Republic ====== ====== 6º Republic ======
-  * [[products/man cave|November, 2015 round]] --- //Chicago VS **California** ​>> ​man cave// +---- 
-  ​[[products/t01sr|May, 2016 round]] --- //New York VS **London** ​>> ​set a man to watch all night// +<WRAP left 240px> 
-  ​[[products/railing_kit|November, 2016 round]] --- //Australia VS **Amsterdam** >> Amsterdam railing kit// +[[products/farmers garage|{{ :​products:​ad_farmers-garage-set.png?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
-  ​[[products/​m30|May,​ 2017 round]] --- //hideout ​in a forest// +</​WRAP>​ 
-  ​[[products/g03|November, ​2017 round]] --- //**Tokyo** ​VS Canada ​>> ​Tokyo Soul Food Gacha// +<WRAP left 960px> 
-  ​[[products/farmers garage|May, 2018 round]] --- //farmer'​s garage ​Vermont, U.S.A.//+  ; event theme : <wrap em>​Vermont</​wrap>,​ U.S.A. ​-- //USA freestyle//​ 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>farmer'​s garage</​wrap> 
 +  ; release : May 6, 2018 ([[blogger/2018-05-06-6th_republic|press release]]) 
 +  ; category : decor landscape 
 +  ​; size : --- 
 +  ; land impacts : 1 - 12LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod / copy / NO trans 
 +  ; in-world sales : [[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​110/​106/​35|@6º Republic ​May 6-20]] 
 +  ; marketplace : N/A 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 +<WRAP left 240px> 
 +[[products/g03|{{ :​products:​g03-gachakey2048-3.png?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
 +<WRAP left 960px> 
 +  ; event theme : <wrap em>​Tokyo<​/wrap> VS Canada 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>Tokyo Soul Food Gacha</wrap> 
 +  ​; release : November 6, 2017 ([[blogger/2017-11-06-6th_republic|press release]]
 +  ; category : GACHA / decor 
 +  ; size : --- 
 +  ; land impacts : 1 - 11LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod NO copy trans 
 +  ; in-world sales : [[http://maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​89/​103/​34]] 
 +  ​; marketplace : N/A 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 +<WRAP left 240px> 
 +[[products/​m30|{{ :​blogger:​hideout-in-a-forest.png?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
 +<WRAP left 960px> 
 +  ; event theme : <wrap em>​München</​wrap>,​ Deutschland -- //Europe freestyle//​ 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>​hideout in a forest</​wrap>​ 
 +  ; release : May 6, 2017 ([[blogger/​2017-05-06-6th_republic|press release]]
 +  ; category : vehicle / decor 
 +  ; size : --- 
 +  ; land impacts : 1 - 32LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod copy NO trans 
 +  ; in-world sales : [[http://maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​115/​136/​34]] 
 +  ​; marketplace : N/A 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 +<WRAP left 240px> 
 +[[products/railing_kit|{{ blogger:​amsterdam-ad.png?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
 +<WRAP left 960px> 
 +  ; event theme : Australia VS <wrap em>​Amsterdam</​wrap>​ 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>​Amsterdam railing kit</​wrap>​ 
 +  ; release : November ​62016 ([[blogger/​2016-11-06-6th_republic|press release]]
 +  ; category : decor / landscape 
 +  ; size : --- 
 +  ; land impacts : 1 - 11LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod copy NO trans 
 +  ; in-world sales : [[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​78/​124/​35]] 
 +  ; marketplace : N/A 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 +<WRAP left 240px> 
 +[[products/​t01sr|{{ :​t01sr-org.jpg?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
 +<WRAP left 960px> 
 +  ; event theme : New York VS <wrap em>London</​wrap> 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>set a man to watch all night</wrap> 
 +  ; release : May 6, 2016 
 +  ; category : decor 
 +  ; size : 32 x 32 meters 
 +  ; land impacts : 195LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod / copy NO trans 
 +  ​; in-world sales : [[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​83/​241/​25]] 
 +  ; marketplace : [[https://​marketplace.secondlife.com/​p/​T01SR/​9177532|T01SR]] 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 +<WRAP left 240px> 
 +[[products/man_cave|{{ products:​mancave.jpg?​nolink&​200 |}}]] 
 +<WRAP left 960px> 
 +  ; event theme : Chicago VS <wrap em>​California</​wrap>​ 
 +  ; product theme : <wrap em>man cave</​wrap>​ 
 +  ; release : November 6, 2015 
 +  ; category : decor / car 
 +  ; size : --- 
 +  ; land impacts : 1 - 42LI 
 +  ; permissions : mod copy NO trans 
 +  ; in-world sales : [[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​118/​109/​34]] 
 +  ; marketplace : [[https://​marketplace.secondlife.com/p/H02RN/​8628701|H02RN]] / [[https://​marketplace.secondlife.com/​p/​M09RN/​8780638|M09RN]] / [[https://​marketplace.secondlife.com/​p/​M10RN/​8780973|M10RN]] 
 +<WRAP clear/>​ 
 ===== external links ===== ===== external links =====
   * [[http://​6threpublicsl.blogspot.com/​| 6º Republic (event official website)]] //- En//   * [[http://​6threpublicsl.blogspot.com/​| 6º Republic (event official website)]] //- En//