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faq:how_is_the_lottery_probability [2019/03/06 08:02]
fk0724 created
faq:how_is_the_lottery_probability [2019/03/06 08:12] (current)
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 ===== How is the lottery probability ? ===== ===== How is the lottery probability ? =====
- >>​ The probability of RAREs is half of COMMONs. Specific values ​​are shown below.+ >>​ The probability of each RARE is half of each COMMON. Specific values ​​are shown below.
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
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-<wrap em>The lottery is done randomly. These numbers do not guarantee winning.</​wrap>​+  * Since the values ​​in () are approximate,​ the total does not become 100.00<​nowiki>​%</​nowiki>​. 
 +  * <wrap em>The lottery is done randomly. These numbers do not guarantee winning.</​wrap>​