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faq:how_to_exchange_gacha_prize [2018/04/16 04:03]
faq:how_to_exchange_gacha_prize [2018/08/01 00:22] (current)
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 {{ :​faq:​screenshot_from_2018-04-16_11-21-44.png?​nolink&​1250 |}} {{ :​faq:​screenshot_from_2018-04-16_11-21-44.png?​nolink&​1250 |}}
- >> TP [[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​107/113/34|here]] and REZ the ticket on each EXCHANGE REZ ZONE.+==== notes ==== 
 +<wrap em>By exchanging, you lose the resale right. What you get is a MOD / COPY / NO TRANS. DO NOT EXCHANGE if you want to resale.</​wrap> 
 +==== procedure ==== 
 +  - Unpack the package and take the ticket out 
 +  -  ​TP >> ​[[http://​maps.secondlife.com/​secondlife/​Sociaria/​89/103/34]] 
 +  - REZ the ticket on each EXCHANGE REZ ZONE
 ==== Will not it work? ==== ==== Will not it work? ====