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nomenclature [2017/02/16 22:18]
nomenclature [2017/02/20 06:55] (current)
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 ====== nomenclature of products ====== ====== nomenclature of products ======
-All products ​of anhelo ​are named according to the following format. By knowing the law, you will be able to quickly find the target one from your inventory!+Almost all products, except for very limited ones, are named according to the following format.\\ By knowing the law, you will be able to quickly find the target one from your inventory!
 ===== format ===== ===== format =====
 {{::​nomenclature-en3.png?​nolink |}} {{::​nomenclature-en3.png?​nolink |}}
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   - Each **package** has <wrap em>​%%ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. You can unpack when you rez or attach one.   - Each **package** has <wrap em>​%%ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. You can unpack when you rez or attach one.
   - Each **folder** has <wrap em>​%%-ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. After unpacking, new folder appears in your inventory.   - Each **folder** has <wrap em>​%%-ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. After unpacking, new folder appears in your inventory.
-  - Each **product** has <wrap em>​%%--ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. ​+  - Each **product** has <wrap em>​%%--ANHELO%%</​wrap>​ as its header. This is what you actually use.
 <WRAP center round tip 90%> <WRAP center round tip 90%>
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 Initial of the product name means ... Initial of the product name means ...
-  ; H : House +  ; H : House //--- houses, huts, barns and so on.// 
-  ; M : Misc. +  ; M : Misc. //--- It is the most abundant type of our products.// 
-  ; F : Furniture +  ; F : Furniture ​//--- What we call FURNITURE are using SIT. This also includes vehicles that do not drive but have some poses.// 
-  ; R : Ruin +  ; R : Ruins //--- Old structures such as ruins or broken houses.// 
-  ; G : Gacha +  ; G : Gacha //--- As you know.// 
-  ; T : Theme+  ; T : Theme //--- A set of several structures made based on a specific theme.//
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 //--- Each month is represented by a hexadecimal number.// //--- Each month is represented by a hexadecimal number.//
-This is mainly used for convenience when develop.\\ However, it may be helpful for you to know the timing of product development,​ and it is easy to compare old and new if upgrading the product in the future.+This is mainly used for convenience when we develop.\\ However, it may be helpful for you to know the timing of product development,​ and it is easy to compare old and new if upgrading the product in the future.