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news:2017-05-14 [2017/05/14 12:04]
news:2017-05-14 [2017/05/14 12:07] (current)
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 Have you got [[products/​m30|M30]] yet? Have you got [[products/​m30|M30]] yet?
-Because M30's UV Maps are much more complicated than M28, we think that it must be too difficult for 3rd parties to make textures.+Because M30's UV Maps are much more complicated than [[products/​m28|M28]], we think that it must be too difficult for 3rd parties to make textures.
-{{https://​pbs.twimg.com/​media/​C_vGK07UMAAqXAH.jpg?​nolink&​500}}+{{https://​pbs.twimg.com/​media/​C_vGK07UMAAqXAH.jpg?​nolink&​500|UV Map of M30 sidecar part}}
-So we are planning to release re-texture kit (texture mods) for M30 now, and accepting your requests [[https://​twitter.com/​fk0724_|on my twitter]].+So we are planning to release re-texture kit (texture mods) for M30, and accepting your requests [[https://​twitter.com/​fk0724_|on my twitter]] ​now.
 This re-texture is ONLY FOR BODY, does not contain engine, tires, and wheels. Our M30 engine, tires, and wheels are originally dirty so we do not make textures which looks like a new car. It might fit for vintage looks, rusty, military looks, and so on .... This re-texture is ONLY FOR BODY, does not contain engine, tires, and wheels. Our M30 engine, tires, and wheels are originally dirty so we do not make textures which looks like a new car. It might fit for vintage looks, rusty, military looks, and so on ....